FEED FEARLESSLY: Stephanie, Sebastian & Arabella
As a former secondary school teacher, motherhood not only brought with it many challenges, it also resulted in a significant career pivot. These days Stephanie Slater has swapped the textbooks for functional medicine as co-founder of Asklé - a personalised,...
FEED FEARLESSLY: Olivia, Eva & Freddie
 Olivia Mackinnon is a force of nature. A ball of energy that radiates fun and optimism, it’s hard to imagine her motherhood journey was not always sunshine and rainbows. In fact, there were times it nearly broke her spirit. In...
FEED FEARLESSLY: Chris, Harper, Harlow & Beau
TRIGGER WARNING: This article discusses pregnancy loss. Chris Duncan is one of those dads who definitely does not babysit his kids. He’s right in there with his wife, Danni - parenting in a way that’s a million miles from what...
FEED FEARLESSLY: Danni, Beau & Harlow
For a woman who likes to fit as much into life as possible (as well as being incredibly physically fit), having twins was a whole new flex for Danni Duncan. The AIF Certified Nutrition Coach and Master Female Trainer has...
Emily Smith wants you to know about Peripartum Cardiomyopathy. If you haven’t heard of it, it’s because it’s so uncommon it doesn’t rate a mention unless you have a pre-existing heart condition - something Emily is keen to change. “You don’t think you can go into heart failure from having a baby - but I did,” she says. She wants expectant mums to be told about the disease in their obstetrician appointments as it can be triggered by stress on the body brought on by pregnancy.
Get on top of your energy levels & family's health
The best kept secret is the one that comes after our first born arrives. We prepare so much for the birth, the baby room, the clothes, the pram, but no one can tell us exactly how we are going to feel after the birth. Lack of sleep, cracked nipples and you may never again complete a task from start to finish without interruption! It’s understandable that tiredness can set in due to these physical and psychological adjustments.
Perinatal Mental Health Week
Mental health matters is close to our hearts here at mumamoo, especially for new mums and parents. It informs our ‘why’ and gives us purpose to much of what we do. With 1 in 5 new or expecting mums and 1 in 10 new or expecting dads suffering from anxiety and/or depression - it’s little wonder the statistics are reflected close to home in our circle of 4 mums that form mumamoo. You can read more about Belinda’s raw and real journey into parenthood here. But what is perinatal mental illness and how does it differ from postnatal mental illness? More importantly, what are the signs if you or someone close to you is suffering?